Physical branch meetings are currently cancelled due to COVID-19. However there are virtual activities being run by some branches. Please contact your local branch for more information.

We hope you find the information on these pages helpful. Our team is working tirelessly to provide up to date advice in relation to the COVID-19/Coronavirus pandemic. Record numbers of people are now turning to NASS for support, and we hope to be here for everyone. Our helpline and advice service are only possible thanks to donations from people like you.

If you are able to make a donation to NASS today, we'd be so grateful.





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Young people with axial spa (AS)


To help you take control of your axial SpA (AS) we’ve got comprehensive resources on treatment, exercise and much more

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Axial SpA (AS) is an inflammatory arthritis where the most common symptom is back pain

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We're here to help, with information on medication, self-management, benefits and more, from an understanding community

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My AS My Life

Helping you build the skills and confidence to take control of your AS and your life. Includes videos, blogs and downloadable guides and exercise sheets


Updated COVID-19 / Coronavirus advice

View the latest advice from NASS for people living with axial SpA (AS)

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Find out about our new programme to reduce the delay to diagnosis for people living with axial SpA (AS) from an average of eight-and-a-half years to just one year.

Our Impact in 2023

NASS has been changing the lives of people living with axial SpA (AS) for more than 40 years and is proud of its achievements in 2023.


Discover axial SpA (AS) services near you

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Hydrotherapy at NASS branch

Website for younger people

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People sharing ideas


Determined, brave and sometimes quirky, our inspiring supporters show us so many ways to get involved. But often, there's a painful reality behind the smile

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Alex's journey to diagnosis was long and painful but he finally found a diagnosis when his osteopath suggested a referral to rheumatology.

Read the full story

Rachel's story

Rachel made the change from teaching RE to Karate and talks about how it has helped her live with Axial Spondyloarthritis.


Kathy's Story

How Woking & Weybridge branch came together to continue their hydrotherapy.

Read the full story

Stuart's story

After being diagnosed with axial spondyloarthritis, Stuart found that a change in lifestyle and work helped him manage the condition.

Watch the full story


Make new friends. Make a difference. Supporting our campaigns could transform axial SpA (AS) futures

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Raising awareness has the power to change the future. Show you care by shouting about our research or sharing our stories.

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Fundraising - Extreme - Mongol Rally - Team Katalastrophe


From cake baking to skydiving, our supporters’ generosity raises vital funds for our important work. What do you want to do?

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Puzzle coming together


Join NASS and have a real impact and influence on the work we do.

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